Fade In by M. Mabie {Blog Tour- Review & Giveaway}

4 May


Fade In by M. Mabie


Tatum Elliot is a successful writer on a hit television show, lives in an Upper East Side apartment and loves her life. She wouldn’t change a thing. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a choice. She’s losing her sight.

Tripping over her tongue and her heels, Tatum all too quickly realizes that the things which appeared so important before are slowly slipping away leaving room for what really matters. With the support of her best friends, family and colleagues, she begins to see that there’s much more to life… and herself.

When Ben Harris enters her life as her new personal assistant, she can’t tell if it’s his good looks and charm that are working on her libido, or his kind and helpful nature working on her heart? Whatever it is, neither one of them can resist it.

As her vision fades out, a world of love and happiness just might…Fade In.

Fade In is a contemporary-romance novel about laughing through your tears and telling life to, quite frankly, “Suck it.” This novel contains sexual situations that the author may or may not have tried at home… for your safety, of course. Research is research.

Note To Author:

I couldn’t be more proud of you Mo Mo. You have proved that you are a fantastic writer who has the undeniable ability to write amazing books that draw people in and leave them begging for more. Because seriously, I’m begging for more 🙂

It’s crazy this journey we’ve been on for the past year. Who would’ve of thought that we would be right here? I couldn’t have done any of this without you. You’re my rock. My best friend. My most favorite writing partner in the whole wide world. I seriously love you. And I am so freakin’ proud of you!

Love you Labia Face,

Your favorite Cum Twat.


I love this book. I love every single thing about it. Yes, I am probably slightly biased seeing as M. Mabie is my very best friend, my partner in crime, my domestic partner. She’s basically my everything so it’s no surprise that I would love everything she writes, BUT this book is seriously ah-mazing. The plot, the characters, the dialogue…all of it was spot on.

Tatum is spunky, sassy, and fiercely independent.  This woman has balls and I adored that about her.

And Ben …sigh. Oh, god that man won my heart from the moment I saw his point-of-view in the prologue. His description of Tatum had me swooning. BIG TIME.

The secondary characters were absolute perfection. Cooper, Winnie, and even big and little Devon.

I laughed, I cried, I swooned, and I absolutely fell in love.

Fade In is a book that I could read again and again and again. It has everything I love in a fantastic romance novel. Seriously, this book is the shit and you are seriously missing out if you don’t one-click it today!


Author Bio:

M. Mabie lives in Illinois, NOT Chicago, with her rock-star husband. (True story.) She loves writing for Fifty5Cents Book Blog, which she owns and operates- at the moment quite poorly. She’s a proud member of the Indie Author Romance Author Chicks writing group where she maintains a high standard of professionalism and lady-like maturity- or not.

She cares about politics, but won’t discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head.

M. Mabie has never been accused of being tight lipped or shy. She’s THAT girl.

(She doesn’t usually speak in third-person, but surprisingly does when weirded-out about writing her bio.)


Buy Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1eJXyIA

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1fB0TDq

iTunes: http://bit.ly/NzILmI

Other Links:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorMMabie

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AuthorMMabie

Goodreads Author profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7420449.M_Mabie

Goodreads Fade In page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18911978-fade-in

Website: http://www.MMabie.com

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/M.-Mabie/e/B00JG5A6D6

Signup for the M. Mabie New Letter: http://eepurl.com/RTbLP



a Rafflecopter giveaway

{Cover Reveal & Giveaway} Silence by Natalee Grimaldi

10 Mar


Silence by Natalee Grimaldi
Release Date: April 2014
Contemporary Romance(w/ a twist)
Stand-Alone Novel, 18+

Cover Designed by
Cover It! Designs



Synposis PNGS

Haunted by unwanted memories, Isobel “Izzy” Walker has tried to move on and recover from a painful past.

When a chance encounter puts her on the same path as the reclusive musician Cain Ryan, neither will be able to deny the passionate sparks that ignite when they’re together.

But Izzy isn’t the only one trying to salvage her life.

Cain is also struggling to fight free from the chains that hold his voice captive.

As both decide to give love a chance, they’ll work hard to truly move forward.

But the truth always comes out.

And the truth will be far more powerful than the love they’ve found.

Will silence consume their love, or can two stained souls face the truth?

Author Bio PNGS


Born and raised in Los Angeles, Natalee’s first love was books and the close runner-up was music. An avid reader and book blogger/reviewer for Read This~Hear That, she can never resist a passionate love story with wicked twists that leave you on the verge of a panic attack.

With her obsession for the written word, the soon to be 25-year-old chose a career in Journalism. Fresh out of college, she currently works as a freelance journalist as well as doing other odd jobs.

When she’s not reading or writing (which seems to be all the time), Natalee loves snacking on Gummy Bears and watching Game of Thrones.


Giveaway PNGS

Enter to win an exclusive eARC and a Signed Paperback of Silence

PLUS a $25 Amazon Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fade In by M. Mabie {Cover Reveal & Giveaway}

3 Mar


Fade In by M. Mabie

Coming March 17th, 2014


Note to Author:

Mo Mo,

I am so unbelievably proud of you. You’re are an undeniably talented writer and I can’t wait for everyone else to get a chance to read about Tatum & Ben. I know they will love them just as much as I do.I mean who couldn’t love Tatum’s spunky personality and Ben’s HUGE… heart? Their story is witty, beautiful, inspiring, and will no doubt leave readers craving more.  I’ve been with you through every step of the process and I consider myself lucky to have such an amazing best friend by my side. It’s hard to believe Mo & Nat have only been a team for a little over a year. Seriously? It has to be longer. I’m sure we met in some past life. I couldn’t be more excited for you as you take this next step and I’ll be right by your side when you hit publish. I can only dream that I’ve given you the same love, support, and encouragement that you’ve given me. I couldn’t have done any of this without. You are the peanut butter to my jelly, the mac to my cheese, the punch-line to all of my jokes, the only person who ever really knows what I’m talking about. I can’t wait to continue this crazy journey with you. I have no doubt there will be nothing but Happy Endings. (See, what I did there?)

❤ Nat




Tatum Elliot is a successful writer on a hit television show, lives in an Upper East Side apartment and loves her life. She wouldn’t change a thing. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have a choice. She’s losing her sight.

Tripping over her tongue and her heels, Tatum all too quickly realizes that the things which appeared so important before are slowly slipping away leaving room for what really matters. With the support of her best friends, family and colleagues, she begins to see that there’s much more to life… and herself.

When Ben Harris enters her life as her new personal assistant, she can’t tell if it’s his good looks and charm that are working on her libido, or his kind and helpful nature working on her heart? Whatever it is, neither one of them can resist it.

As her vision fades out, a world of love and happiness just might…Fade In.

Fade In is a contemporary-romance novel about laughing through your tears and telling life to, quite frankly, “Suck it.” This novel contains sexual situations that the author may or may not have tried at home… for your safety, of course. Research is research.

Author Bio:

M. Mabie lives in Illinois, NOT Chicago, with her rock-star husband. (True story.) She loves writing for Fifty5Cents Book Blog, which she owns and operates- at the moment quite poorly. She’s a proud member of the Indie Author Romance Author Chicks writing group where she maintains a high standard of professionalism and lady-like maturity- or not.

She cares about politics, but won’t discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head.

M. Mabie has never been accused of being tight lipped or shy. She’s THAT girl.

(She doesn’t usually speak in third-person, but surprisingly does when weirded-out about writing her bio.)



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AuthorMMabie

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AuthorMMabie

Goodreads Author profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7420449.M_Mabie

Goodreads Fade In page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18911978-fade-in

Website: http://www.MMabie.com


